Clint: In Loving Memory

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In loving memory

There is a new big bright star in the sky named Clint (Bam Bam), looking down on us with his cheeky grin and a mischievious glint in his eyes, asking “where are the extra strong mints and blueberry muffins?”

A big big thank you to all the staff at the centre (Rspca Chesterfield), especially Bev for giving him a second chance and for letting us adopt him.

Clint was an old boy and was with us for 13 months but it seemed we had him forever, the only regret about getting our big baby is that we couldn’t give him more years to enjoy himself and to make up for the horrible way he was treated in the past. If you are looking for a new pet, please consider an older one, they are just as wonderful and give you as much pleasure as a younger one

Sleep tight Bam Bam my big gentle giant.

The grass could do with cutting but I think it will do

Clint the football player. Like any pro will know, a good warm up session is the secret to winning the match!

I am ready for the match – just waiting for the opposition to turn up.

Well I decide how long the match lasts, it is easy. When I have had enough I just pick the ball up and I don’t let it go until I am ready for another match.

Clint taking it easy – “I like my daily siestas”

Clint on holiday

I love walking on the beach. I don’t mind getting my paws wet in the sea, but when the water gets to my belly I am out of here

Clint the guardian angel

I used to have a nice peaceful life before Nelly turned up. My life was really good. I used to eat then go for a nap, walkies 3 times a day, then nap again and some more food. NOT NOW, SHE DRIVES ME NUTS WITH HER TOYS, mind you all I have to is bark once and she stop. I only barked 3 times in the 4 months I have been here with mum and dad, now I have to do it several times a day. Hey someone has to keep her in line.

Clint chilling out. There is nothing more I like than just relax in a warm home. I had too much fresh air in my previous home

Clint and extra strong mints
As I have been a good old boy posing for all these pictures can I have my extra strong mints now? I might be old but there is nothing wrong with my teeth.

Clint waiting for mummy to come home from work

My mum should be coming on from work any time now. I make sure I am always in the garden waiting for her. I love my dad but I am really a mummy’s boys, I never let her out of my sight when she is at home

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