Kent (FOAL Farm, Kent)

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8/12/2006 Kent was found to have a mass of tumours in his abdomen and the kindest thing was to have him put to sleep. Rest in peace, Kent.

Kent is about 10 years old, and originally came to FOAL Farm, Kent, from a dog pound in Wales where he was due to be put to sleep.

In kennels, Kent does look quite laid back. However, this is not the case. Kent has lost his spirit.

When Laura, one of FOAL’s Dog Walkers, takes Kent out on day trips, she reports he is surprisingly playful, energetic, and sociable. When he gets back to the centre, Kent loses all the spring from his step once more.

This dog urgently needs a home of his own as soon as possible.

Kent is very calm on the lead and in the car. He can be typically stubborn sometimes, and would be best with an older retired couple or person on their own, without children or cats.

Kent can ‘protect’ one person to the disadvantage of the other, so any couple would have to walk, feed, train, groom, and fuss Kent equally. Kent is friendly with dogs out and about, but would prefer to live as the only dog in the home.

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