Beautiful Barney (Oldies Club, fostered South Wales)

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Barney the beautiful Cocker Spaniel arrived in Oldies Club care just under 4 weeks ago. Barney was diabetic, but had a perfect foster home with a kind and caring family who took great care of him. Sadly, Barney’s health has deteriorated in the past week and he’s had to be put to sleep.

Oldies Club are very grateful to Barney’s foster family for giving him lots of TLC in his final weeks. Here are some words from his foster mum…

It is with an ache in my heart and a huge gap in the family that I write this. Tonight my sofa is empty and my cushions remain undisturbed, and there are christmas presents under the tree that will be unclaimed. Our lovely boy had a massive seizure which damaged his brain, eventually causing him to deteriorate and slip into a coma. He was helped to his final resting place today and is at peace at the rainbow bridge.

Barney has left paw prints on the hearts of all who knew him, from the fabulous team of transporters that brought him from one side of the country to the other, to the many friends and acquaintances he has made – both two and four-legged!!

Barney was a clever boy and although he had little sight he soon learned the layout of the house, garden and our regular walks. He learned to listen to warnings of “steps”!! His favourite place was the sofa, after digging up the cushions and rearranging them in a heap!!

He was a fabulous companion, great with the children and the cats, both who miss him dearly. We all do.

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Rest in peace little Barney :(

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