Peggy (was Mattie) Staffygirl (Oldies Club)

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Everyone at the Oldies Club was thrilled when little Mattie (now Peggie) went off to her perfect forever home.  She had had a really hard life and came into an Oldies Club foster home from a desperate situation where she was about to be put to sleep.  Her fosterers did a wonderful job which is clearly being carried on by her new forever family so now she’s a happy, healthy girl.  Here’s the update on her progress

“At last a little update on Peggy ( nee Matti ).    As you know Peg has settled in very well. She does like routine and she makes sure we stick to it!     She’s trained us well as we now know when fuss, breakfast, wander round the garden, sleep, fuss, garden, sleep, fuss, walkies, supper, fuss, sleep, garden, tuck up in bed, sleep is.   Treats may be thrown in at will. And a trip out in the car on any day is always acceptable.

peggy4 Peggy’s favourite walk – lots of good sniffs about!

Peggys’ Grand Day Out of course was to the Oldies/ Dogs Trust Show where she won 2nd prize for Best Rescue – such a proud moment for her new daddy.  

peggy1  Peggy’s finest moment

Don’t be alarmed she wasn’t actually tossed into the air as the picture may suggest!  

peggy2  Relaxing with her new friend Ernie

I have to say she has slotted into the family so well  with minimal disruption to the other elderly pets which is just what we wanted and we are so pleased we can make her final years happy and very comfortable. 

peggy5  Happy in HER chair  (previously known as Dad’s chair)

Peggie has definitely trained her family well!  We wish them lots of years of happiness together.

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