Lovely Lassie Valentine (Oldies Club)

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1.7.10  Update from Lassie Valentine’s mum.  

 “I hope that Lassie’s previous owners will read this so that they’ll know she’s well and really happy.  She does have the occasional quiet moment but most of the time she is full of life.   She has had three very different holidays, the first one in the Dales with all the family including three small children and another sheepdog and she took to it fine.  We kept catching her at the bottom of the garden looking over the stream at the lambs in the field but she never made any move to wade over.  She has been up to Bamburgh in the caravan and has just come back from Cornwall, where unfortunately she had to have a lead on at all times.  This must have helped rest her leg and after a few days she
stopped limping so we have gradually taken longer walks hoping to strengthen the muscles and she seems fine.  She loved the waves but not the taste of the sea.   The weather was so hot I think it was good for her to cool off in the water.
Now back at home in the garden, she is patrolling the perimeters in search of cats, they appear to have taken over since we have been away, so there is quite a few barking and chasing sessions!   Here are some newphotos showing how she has settled down.”


        My holiday snaps – love from Lassie xx


When lovely Lassie‘s details appeared on the Oldies Club website there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.  She had come from a very loving home and they were devastated to have to part with her.  She arrived at her Oldies Club foster home with a Valentine card from her family thanking her for always being there for them and telling her to be happy in her new home.

She’s definitely taken them at their word – she’s got a wonderful new home and is obviously very happy there.   We’ve just had a lovely message from her new owners and some great pictures:

“Lassie has settled in really well, it seems she has always lived here.     The garden is truly hers.     She lies in wait at the back of the trees and barks all along the boundary at passing dogs, giving the owners a fright.  I had been taking her out on a long lead, but she blotted her copybook.    Some children were playing football in the field and she dived into the game, grabbing the leather football and twisting her leg at the same time.    She hobbled home on three legs and was carried part of the way, but is now getting back to her boisterous self.    However, she has now been demoted to the short lead to give us more control!  

 At the moment she is bonding with her new dad on the settee watching golf. ” 

She’s probably wishing she could get in there and play with the ball!   It sounds like she’s having a great time and we look forward to more updates on her progress.

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