Gentle Ben (Oldies Club sponsor dog)

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9 February 2012 ~ We are very sad to have to let you know that Ben had to be put to sleep this morning. He was very poorly and the vet agreed it was the kindest and right thing to do for him. Ben’s lovely foster family are devastated, but very glad to have been able to foster him for Oldies Club. We are very grateful to them for taking such great care of Ben for us and our thoughts are with them. Sleep tight Gentle Ben.

Ben is a medium sized crossbreed boy of approximately 13 years old. Ben lived with the same person since he was a pup, but sadly his owner became ill, so Ben needed to find a new home. Ben has a lump in his lung and is not well enough to be rehomed, so Oldies Club will pay for his treatment and look after him for the rest of his life.

Great in the home: Ben is a very good boy in the home. He is house trained and although he enjoys having someone around, he doesn’t mind if you leave him for a few hours. He’ll just find himself a comfy spot on the sofa and have a long snooze while you’re gone.

Good with other dogs: Ben is sociable with any other dogs he meets and he has settled in well with his foster carer’s dog.

Loves children: Ben has met children of all ages and he loves them.

Loves walks: Ben likes going for his walks and he can be strong on the lead to begin with, but he soon settles and walks very nicely. He still enjoys his regular walks and can manage a reasonable distance at a gentle pace.

Travels well: Ben enjoys travelling in the car, but he prefers to be sitting on a seat near to you rather than being in the boot.

Ben’s favourite pastimes: Two of Ben’s favourite hobbies are eating and sleeping, but he does enjoy his walks too. He has recently started to show an interest in toys and is particularly fond of playing with his tennis ball.

Ben takes his relaxation quite seriously and is very happy to take up a spot on the sofa.

Health notes: Ben has arthritis and takes 50mg of Rimadyl daily, which will need to continue for life. He has a few harmless fatty lumps, but he has recently been diagnosed as having an inoperable mass in his chest, so he is not able to be rehomed. Ben’s teeth were in a poor condition when he arrived, but he has now had a dental so has a most charming smile. As with many older dogs, Ben has poor eyesight and is hard of hearing, but this doesn’t prevent him from enjoying life.

Foster carer’s summary: Ben is a lovely older boy. He’s very friendly, affectionate and easygoing and he loves being around people. Now and again he needs to be reminded not to beg for food whilst you are eating, but he is quick to respond. When Ben first came to us he used to lunge at his food bowl before you had the chance to put it down, but he’s learning to wait now ….. proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks!


If you would like to help us care for Ben or another sponsor dog, please consider taking part in our sponsor scheme.

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