Bob the beagle needed a new home at the age of 15, following a relationship breakup, and the Oldies Club were delighted to take this gentle old lad into their care.
He proved to be a lovable and undemanding boy, but was in a great deal of pain due to dental problems. Once these had been sorted out, Bob attracted the attention of his wonderful new owner and went to live with her in November 2014.
This is what Bob’s new Mum has to say about him:
“Bob likes other dogs and squeaks to say hello…. and with his best friend Bertie who is a Maltese terrier he gives a howl to say hello. He loves his walks and is happy to say hello to everyone he meets. I have never heard him bark at home, but if he wants attention he squeaks at me. He doesn’t bother me if I’m busy but will follow me around to be in the same room to see what I am doing. He is not greedy at all and doesn’t beg when people are eating, just lays down until I am finished. He has become much more loving since he has settled and comes up for a cuddle quite often. He is a very quiet, gentle and a joy to have”.
It is wonderful to see a dear old lad like Bob in such a loving home. You just keep bob, bob, bobbin’ along, Bob!