Alfie (Helping Pets North East, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne)

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Alfie the Border Collie is nearly 10 years young. He is with Helping Pets North East and is in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.

Alfie is a sweet dog who will make a great companion in the right home, but he does need an experienced owner, preferably someone with plenty of collie experience. He is in foster with other dogs and was previously non-reactive to cats. He needs an adult-only home with a secure garden and where he will get plenty of exercise to help his weight.

Alfie is very overweight and his new owner must commit to keeping him to a strict diet to help him slim down. Alfie must not be given any human food as this is high value and can make him greedy and snappy. He has been diagnosed with a thyroid condition which requires daily medication that he takes in his food. The costs associated with his condition will be continue to be covered by Helping Pets North East after he is adopted.

Previously, Alfie displayed resource guarding behaviour, mainly around food items. He is fine in his foster home, but there he is managed appropriately. He is fed on his own and no one approaches his bowl until he walks away from it.

Determined Alfie can be very demanding if he wants something! He loves to play ball and will bark repeatedly until he is given the desired item. He can struggle to settle if there are balls around indoors. Alfie is basically a good boy though and is learning not to bark and to instead stand quietly to get a reward, i.e. his toy thrown for him to play with. His foster carers only allow him to play ball outside, to help him switch off when inside.

Alfie is super-clean in the house and has had no accidents. He enjoys getting out for a walk, but he is strong on the lead and does pull sometimes.

If you have the right home to offer and are are interested in adopting Alfie, here’s what to do…

Contact Helping Pets North East as follows:

Apply via this page on their website – click here

Please mention that you saw Alfie on the Oldies Club website.

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