Beautiful Betsy Westie (Oldies Club, fostered Somerset)

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Adorably cute Betsy is an 11 year old West Highland Terrier/Jack Russell Cross. She came into the care of Oldies Club because her owner sadly passed away and there was no-one else able to care for her. She is now enjoying life in an Oldies Club foster home in Frome, Somerset, waiting to go to her forever home.

Summary: Betsy made herself at home at once and adores strokes and cuddles. After arriving, she explored the house and garden, then lay down on her accompanying blanket. She needs to be the only pet in the home where any children are older. Betsy is active, enjoys long walks and a good potter in the garden.

Likes company: Betsy loves company and would not be happy with full-time workers. She will sleep when left but needs good walks throughout the day. She will bark for a short while but then settle down when she realises that her people will return. She likes to share the bed at night and have body contact, but will also sleep in her basket nearby with a blanket to cuddle.

Okay with some dogs: Betsy needs to be the only dog in the home. Her behaviour with other dogs outside has improved but she can be unpredictable and will bark and pull. She has been to training sessions and would benefit from continuing with this.

Chases cats: Betsy barks and chases any cats she sees in the garden, so it’s a “no” to living with them.

Okay with older children: Children under 12 years old make Betsy nervous with their unpredictability and and she will give a warning growl if approached too closely by a child.

Loves walks: Each morning, Betsy has around a 2 mile walk but this could be reduced with additional walks. Throughout the day, she has shorter walks in the neighbourhood and playtime in the garden. She has lots of energy and enjoys striding out. Her recall was tested with a dog whistle and calling her name in an enclosed paddock and each time she responded and came running.

Good in the car: Yes, she is. Betsy is an excellent traveller and lies down calmly.

Betsy’s likes: Betsy loves playing with her teddy and snuffling through the garden and shrubs. She enjoys lying on the back of a chair and watching the world go by through the window. Occasional balls games are a favourite, not forgetting having her tummy tickled. She likes her food (Chappie) and also likes to play “find it” with treats.

Betsy’s dislikes: She can be wary of men but is friendly with women. She wants to pull and bark at other animals, like cows and horses, though it seems she is frightened of them due to their size. She’s very unpredictable when other dogs appear and is being slowly familiarised with other dogs though this needs to continue.

Ideal home: A loving, active home with no children under 12 years old and pet-free. She would like owner(s) who are prepared to take her for long walks and have access to runs in the garden during the day.

Health notes: Betsy has been vet checked and is fully up-to-date with her vaccinations. She is also neutered, microchipped and flea/worm treated. The vet has been keeping an eye on a lump on her right back leg, which has been tested and is only fatty tissue. It has not grown at all but needs to be routinely checked. She has successfully lost weight and is now at an ideal weight.

Betsy’s fosterer says: “Betsy is bouncy, affectionate, energetic and nosey. We have enjoyed her company and she will be really missed!”
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If you would like to offer Betsy a permanent home, please read our Adoption Procedures for information about the adoption process. You can then contact an Oldies Club Rehoming Coordinator as follows:

Telephone: 0844 586 8656

Betsy can be rehomed anywhere on the UK mainland – the closer to her foster home the better – subject to a satisfactory home visit. Note that you will be required to travel to the foster home to collect her.
If you would love to offer a home to an oldie but your circumstances aren’t suitable, perhaps you would be kind enough to sponsor one of the special oldies we are caring for that, due to health problems, are unlikely to be offered a permanent home.

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