Bryn (RSPCA West Hatch, Somerset)

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23/08/2024 – We are delighted to hear that gorgeous Bryn has found a new home!

Bryn is a 15-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier boy who is with RSPCA West Hatch Animal Centre near Taunton, Somerset.

Gorgeous Bryn is a distinguished gentleman and he is very much looking forward to finding a home to call his own. Bryn loves nothing more than lounging on a comfy bed, getting lots of tummy and chest rubs, eating (hot dogs are his favourite treat) and having interesting conversations. He responds with a wonderful array of yodelling sounds!

Bryn has been lucky to spend the last few weeks in a foster home, where he has met many people out on walks. He adores everyone he meets, especially if they give him a rub. He has been on a few car trips, but the rescue feels that he is perhaps not used to travelling far, as he accompanies these journeys with some tuneful noises.

Bryn has settled well overnight. He is completely clean during the day, but still does have the odd accident during the night time stretch. Being an older gentleman, Bryn enjoys short walks where he can have a sniff and a wee. These will need to be on lead as he is rather hard of hearing. Because of his age, he can be a little wobbly on his legs if he tries to overdo it (in his head he is still a young lad) so although he appears fine with dogs, it would be a calmer environment for him if he was the only dog in the home, as he does tend to get rather over excited around them. He is used to cats and could live with them.

Bryn’s ideal home would be a nice, calm, adult environment, with people who are around most of the time, as he really does like company. Bryn would love a secure patch of garden so that he can roll on the grass in the sun, but the garden does not have to be big. Most of all he is looking for someone who will love an senior, gentle staffie for the rest of his life.

If you can’t resist the charm of a grey muzzle and soulful eyes, then look no further!

Contact RSPCA West Hatch Animal Centre as follows:

Or complete their Online application form – click here.
Tel: 0300 123 0747 – Reception is open from 11am – 3pm (closed Weds)

Please mention that you saw Bryn on the Oldies Club website.

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