Cooper (Nirina Dog Adoptions, fostered Norfolk)

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Cooper is around 10 years of age, currently under the care of Nirina Dog Adoptions and being fostered in Norfolk. He’s a super boy that we are told would fit into most households, so lets try and find him his forever home for 2025 !

Cooper still acts like a much younger dog and really enjoys playing with his toys, particularly the furry kind and footballs ! He lives happily with other dogs and gets on well with them within the home and out and about. He could therefore join another doggy pal or could equally well be rehomed as an only dog.

He looks a little worried, but is a happy boy, and walks nicely on the lead and travels well in the car. He’d make a great companion on days out and who wouldn’t be proud to have this boy by your side !

He settles well in his bed at night and is housetrained. Cooper would prefer someone around a lot of the time so he can spend some quality time with you. He could also live with older calm children.

If you think you have the forever home to offer this gorgeous lad, then please contact Nirina Dog Adoptions below

WhatsApp, text or phone: 07706 890811

Please say that you saw Cooper on Oldies Club website.




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