Femo (Rovers Dog Rescue, fostered Essex)

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Cheerful boy Femo is an English Pointer of 9 years (weighing 23kg) who’s in a multi-dog foster home in Billericay, Essex through Rovers Dog Rescue.

He’s great with children of all ages so it’s thought he’d be fine with resident youngsters, as long as they’re big enough to be steady on their feet because he’s a bit of a goofball!

Femo was used as a stud dog and had been living outside before coming into rescue. He’s adapted to the home comforts in foster care incredibly well and loves a snuggle with his carer on the sofa. He loves going the car as well since that means adventure!

Femo has huge enthusiasm for life. Exploring the great outdoors is his all-time favourite thing. He loves chasing pigeons especially! He’s great with other dogs and all he wants to do is have fun, as you can see in this video HERE.

Femo is very food orientated. He will counter-surf, given the chance. He’s otherwise well behaved in the home and can be left for reasonable amounts of time. He has been cat tested and completely ignored the cat to focus on the treats for being such a good boy, as you can see in this video HERE.

Femo is a gentle, goofy, happy dog who needs active owners and will happily live with other dogs and confident cats. He’s had a dental and the vet says he’s fit and healthy. He has a few skin tags but the vet advised leaving them. Femo’s life has improved so much since coming into foster care, he can’t wait to see what having a forever home is like… with a family to call his own!

If you want to find out more about this sunny-natured boy, please contact Rovers Dog Rescue as follows:

Phone: 07969 730749 (Rebecca) or 07930 250825 (Julie)
Email: roversdogrescue@gmail.com

Please say you saw Femo featured on the Oldies Club website.

This replaces Femo’s original page dated 27 March 2024.


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