Izzy (Dogs Trust, fostered Wiltshire)

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1/9/24 – Izzy’s found a home!

Adorable Izzy is a wonderful, 8 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, ready to start looking for her new, forever home with the help of Dogs Trust Salisbury. She is currently living in a lovely foster home in Salisbury and is being a very well-behaved house guest.

Izzy loves being with her human friends and would like her family to be happy for her to sleep in the bedroom with them. She enjoys going for short walks and would love her own secure garden to explore and relax in during the day. Izzy knows her basic training and is house-trained. Any time left alone would need to be built up slowly and she can be left for a couple of hours. She just loves human company and have her new owners around most of the time.

Izzy would prefer to be the only pet in the home, but can have dog walking friends out and about. She can live with children aged 14+ who would give her time to trust and provide gentle handling. She loves being with people and trusts new people very quickly; it will not take long for her to become your best friend. She loves to sleep in the bedroom with her foster carers and new owners would need to be okay with this, as she will struggle being kept separate.

Izzy is neutered and has arthritis in her hind legs. She is on daily pain medication, which she has responded to really well.
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If you would like to take lovely Izzy home, please complete the Application Form
, or as follows:

Tel: 01980 629101
Email: Salisburyrehoming@dogstrust.org.uk

Please mention that you saw Izzy on the Oldies Club website.

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