Oh So Cute Oscar (Oldies Club Sponsor Dog)

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13/09 Sadly Oscar has passed away after a sudden decline in heath. Sleep tight lovely boy x

Oscar is a 12 year old terrier mix who came to Oldies Club after his owner passed away suddenly and he had no family to take him in. He was temporarily looked after by the hospital chaplain until he came into our care.

When Oscar arrived at his foster home he was rather disoriented and unsure of the resident dog at first. It is believed that previously he had lived with another dog who was dominant over him and controlled the food he could access. Due to this he attempted to assert himself especially around food. Through use of a baby gate and careful fosterer monitored interactions Oscar was able to not see the resident dog as a threat and they have been able to coexist more happily.

Oscar  came in with a terrible skin condition and was missing quite a lot of hair. He also had an ear and eye infection as well as all of his nails were ingrowing due to lack of being walked.  He appeared to have very little muscle strength and would collapse from going up or down one step.  As Oscar cannot hear well and is also partially sighted due to cataracts this probably added to his anxiety in his new surroundings.

His foster family continued to bathe Oscar and his skin continued to improve.  After numerous visits to a specialist vet, it was determined that he has various underlying and chronic health concerns, including lots of inflammation and the start of renal failure, for which he receives medication.  He also appears to become disoriented at times, and sometimes stands and stares off into space or paces.

Due to Oscar’s multiple medical issues, medication and future blood tests required for monitoring purposes Oldies Club made the decision to place him in our sponsor dog scheme. This means he will remain at his lovely foster home on a permanent basis, with the charity paying his vet bills for the rest of his life.

Oscar doesn’t let his challenges stop him!  He loves a good walk, and even runs sometimes.  A doggy buggy was trialled but he didnt like it. He prefers to use his own little legs to get about. Oscar isn’t afraid anymore of his Westie “sister” or other dogs now. She would quite like for him to play with her but has to settle for his companionship.

Oscar never learned to play or use toys and ignores them. His favourite activity is a good snooze, especially his “breakfast nap,” which he takes every day after his morning meal. He also enjoys a daily pizzle stick, which makes him resemble Columbo with a cigar.

If you would love to offer a home to an oldie but your circumstances aren’t suitable, perhaps you would be kind enough to sponsor Oscar, or one of the other special oldies we are caring for in our sponsor dog scheme.

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