Selma (Safe Rescue, fostered Norfolk)

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20/3/2024 Tiny Selma is now enjoying the forever home she deserves.
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So cute Selma is a small Crossbreed aged around ten years old. This tiny tot was rescued from a terrifying public shelter and is now happily being cared for in a foster home in Norwich, Norfolk, provided by Safe Rescue, waiting for that loving, forever home.

Selma is understandably defensive. How anything this tiny survives in those awful places is beyond belief, but she was lucky and she got out alive. She’s living in a world of giants and she’s seen some horrible things, so she doesn’t want strangers touching her which is completely understandable and fair.

Once Selma has decided she can trust you, she’s extremely sweet and will follow you around and have fuss and cuddles like any other dog. However, anyone coming to see her with a view to adoption needs to understand that she needs time to relax around them and this can take three or four days.

Selma can live with other dogs but is quite happy without them also. She will need an adult home with someone who understands that she’s had it tough and they will give her the time she needs to relax.

Safe Rescue have a policy that all dogs adopted from them must wear a slip lead on walks. Please only enquire about Safe Rescue dogs if you are happy to always use a slip lead – extendable leads are not acceptable to Safe Rescue. All dogs have to be collected and a crate must be used. Full details of their rehoming policy are on Selma’s details on Safe Rescue’s Facebook.
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If you can’t resist this gorgeous girl or would like more information, please contact Safe Rescue as follows:

Tel/Message: 07788 251197 or 07899 844524 between 9am-5pm Mon-Fri and 9am-4pm Sat

Please mention that you saw Selma on the Oldies Club website.

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