Snuggly GoGo (Oldies Club Sponsor Dog)

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30/05/24 – Sadly GoGo has passed away. Sleep tight lovely girl

GoGo is a sweet old Staffy girl of 14 years old who came into Oldies Club care in June 2022.  She had been taken to a vets to be pts and another rescue asked us if we could offer her a place. We’re happy to report that we could!

When GoGo arrived  she was overweight, unsteady and had a rather large lump on her side. It was very clear that she suffered quite badly with separation anxiety. This meant she had a couple of foster homes before we found the perfect one for her.  She underwent testing on her lumps and her large one was deemed non-cancerous and more fluid filled. Initially we were advised due to her age surgery would be risky and it would be best to leave it alone.

Initially GoGo did go up for rehoming but after she didnt receive any suitable applications and started to have fainted fits which was diagnosed as heart arrhythmia Oldies Club made the decision to place her in our sponsor dog scheme. This means she will remain at her lovely foster home on a permanent basis, with the charity paying her vet bills for the rest of her life.

More recently the largest lump on GoGo’s side became progressively bigger, and it became at risk of bursting which would be very traumatic and would result in GoGo being rushed to vets and to be PTS. The committee opted to give her a chance despite the risk of surgery and for the lump to be debulked, this means taking as much of the lump away to enable the wound to be stitched. What the vets managed to remove weighed 900gs!

Since her operation GoGo has been able to sleep better meaning she is more content and is now able to roll around on her back which she enjoys and was something she couldn’t really do before as the lump would get in the way.

GoGo loves being with her people and gets very upset if she’s on her own. Her foster carers manage things so that someone is almost always around for her. This has improved a little bit but she still cannot be left for too long.

GoGo LOVES most other dogs, as long as they’re nice to her.  She can often be found snuggled up with the other resident or foster dogs in her home. She has a gentle and friendly nature. Size doesn’t matter to her. She’s all about the snuggles!

Although GoGo no longer plays she still enjoys her walks. She is very good on the lead and, although she’s not too fast, she does like to keep moving. With being deaf, she has no recall whatsoever and she’s too distracted by what’s going on to check to see where her fosterers are so she does not go off lead out. She enjoys her off lead time at home in the garden.

If you would love to offer a home to an oldie but your circumstances aren’t suitable, perhaps you would be kind enough to sponsor Gogo, or one of the other special oldies we are caring for in our sponsor dog scheme.

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