Sunny (Rescue Remedies, fostered Surrey)

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Sunny is a Fox Terrier X Jack Russell Terrier of 12 years, in the care of Rescue Remedies based near Gatwick on the Surrey/West Sussex border. As you can imagine, he’s a big personality in little package. He wants a retirement home with grown-ups only and no other pets, especially cats!

The story so far… Sunny had lived with his family for 11 years, from puppyhood but they emigrated and were unable to take him with them. He had a foster home but couldn’t get on with the resident pets there (including multiple cats!) and so he was taken in by Rescue Remedies.

Sunny spent a few months at their boarding kennells being walked by volunteer dog walkers. One of them reported, “He gave me a lovely greeting and was so pleased to get out into the woods. He is such a dear little creature – when we spied Tony walking one of the big dogs Sunny became very ‘fierce’ and ragged his leads for a minute or two but he is so diminutive I couldn’t help chuckling at him! His ‘fierceness’ didn’t last long and we continued our walk with him having a little sniff every so often but otherwise keeping up a fairly fast pace with those little ears flapping!”

Sunny has had several walks with other dogs and was absolutely fine with them, snuffling along beside them, each just doing their own thing. It’s dogs he meets on walks who he often tells to jolly well stay away, cars too. However, there is hope…

Sunny went into foster care as kennel life was getting him down and affecting his health. His foster carer said, “Sunny has been with me in foster for a week now and has settled well. Indoors he has impeccable table manners (doesn’t beg when I am eating), a gentle mouth when accepting treats and he is enjoying all his food. Outdoors he is always on high alert for everything that moves (except pedestrians) so we are often seen hiding behind stationary cars, in driveways etc to prevent Sunny’s usual reaction to traffic and dogs.

“I am trying to provide him with a calm environment so that he can hopefully gain some confidence and not make mistakes when he is anxious. Sunny loves a cuddle and a belly rub…

…he really wants to be a good boy and is very bright. It turned out Sunny was crate trained, so he now sleeps happily in his crate in the bedroom at night. I don’t use his crate at any other time, he is an absolute poppet indoors.”

Sunny had to return to kennels for a short time while he had a busy visit to the vet. A Rescue Remedies volunteer said, “Sunny and I went to the paddock where he chased the ball, he changed so much during the foster break. He is much more friendly and less reactive when taken out of the kennel passing by other dogs. [At the vets] …he had 3 large molars removed and 1 incisor. Had his anal glands expressed and his ears cleaned. A lump on his side and a skin tag on his top muzzle was removed. His head and socks shaved including his feet and toes. Finally we sent off blood to read the health of his organs and it came back all good. Slightly raised liver but only to be expected in older age.”

His foster carer then reported, “Sunny is back with me in foster after his time at RR HQ for a dental and cosmetic surgery. With his legs shaved, he looks a bit like a mutant sheep but neither of us are bothered by his new look. He is less disturbed by passing cars now. We are still working on passing dogs, but he loves his walks. Indoors he is very relaxed.”

Sunny is basically a happy little chap who just wants a simple life with plenty of cuddles, nice walks and a good range of toys to play with!

If you might be the perfect human for this soppy, sensitve boy please contact Rescue Remedies as follows:

Please read and follow the links in the Rescue Remedies Rehoming process here.

Please note that Rescue Remedies has a policy of all adopters committing to keep adopted dogs on the lead at all times when out and about.

Please say you saw Sunny on the Oldies Club website.

This replaces Sunny’s original page dated 28 September 2023.

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