Sweet Buddy (Oldies Club Sponsor Dog)

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Buddy is an 11 year old Lurcher who came into Oldies Club care in January 2023 due to a bereavement in the family which meant that he wasn’t getting enough people time anymore. At the time he arrived with his pal Zephy an older Border Terrier girl. This odd couple were very bonded and after their initial assessment the pair were put up for rehoming. Sadly despite being a pair of sweethearts they didn’t receive any suitable interest.

Of the two Buddy being the younger had less health issues. Zephy was diagnosed with Cushings and it took some time to get the correct dosage for her medication. Unfortunately Zephy started displaying classic signs of dementia such as aimless wandering. It was at this time it was decided that the pair would stay in Oldies Club care as long term foster dogs. Shortly after this Zephy was sadly diagnosed with a brain tumour and it was agreed the kindest thing was to let her go. This left sensitive Buddy on his own for the first time but with assurance from his fosterer and extra fusses he was helped to get over the loss of his friend. Buddy after a little while settled very well with being an only canine and is a happy sweet natured dog who loves nothing more than his bed or the sofa although food comes a close second!

Buddy enjoys his walks but as he does have arthritis in his front legs they can’t be too long in length.  He sometimes struggles to get out bed. He is very happy pottering about the garden as long as it’s not too hot.

Buddy was always less self-assured than his best friend which meant when he is approached by dogs he sometimes feels that he needs to get his retaliation in first. He’s not always reactive but it’s easiest that situations  are avoided which might cause him to tell other dogs off. He is improving in this area.

As  Buddy has a slightly nervous disposition he isn’t good with sudden things, noises or movements. His history causes him to be nervous meeting new people. He is okay with being petted but does not like being loomed over or constrained. He is not a cuddly dog.

His fosterer thinks he is the most laid back dog she has ever known, is no trouble and is a real poppet.

If you would love to offer a home to an oldie but your circumstances aren’t suitable, perhaps you would be kind enough to sponsor Buddy, or one of the other special oldies we are caring for in our sponsor dog scheme.

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